For Such a Time as This

“…for such a time as this…”  Esther 4:14 (NASB)

 The last twelve months have tried our patience, our faith, and even our sanity.  I’ve written before about my question to God, “Why are we here right now, in these times of discord, of weather extremes, of pandemic, of violence and hate? Why?” And then I think about the words of Mordecai to Esther, “Who knows, perhaps you are here for such a time as this.”

There is a popular praise and worship song whose lyrics implore, “Show us, show us your power. Show us, show us your glory. Show us your power, Lord.” Could it be that He has done just that?

When the pandemic was proclaimed in March of last year efforts began by the scientific community to find a vaccine. The fastest a vaccine has ever been developed was the mumps vaccine in 1967, and it took 4 years. Vaccine development is an arduous process, taking about 10-15 years on average to accomplish. Reuters News published an article in June of 2020 stating that having a vaccine available by 2021 would be virtually impossible. However, the scientific community committed itself to an unprecedented effort of communication and cooperation. In December of 2020 a vaccine received an emergency use authorization to begin active distribution. How? Could it be because rapid advances in knowledge of immunology, of viruses, in technology, in manufacturing all had come together in the past decade? Could it be that all of this happened for such a time as this?

At this same time our world as we knew it seemed to have stopped. We all were introduced to social distancing, limiting our freedom to socialize and have fellowship. The serious psycho-social problems that have come with these will be with us for a generation. But at the same time, technologies that very few had thought of even 10 years ago allowed churches to connect virtually with their members, allowed Bible studies and prayer groups to meet,  allowed families to at least “see” each other on a screen, and allowed necessary business meetings to take place. Our lexicon has even changed: “to ZOOM” is now a commonly heard verb. Could it be that all of this happened for such a time as this?

We in the south are undergoing an historical weather phenomenon these few days and weeks.  Low temperatures in the single digits, ice and snow day after day. Us southerners are infamous for our unpreparedness for such extremes; we cannot drive in it, very few of us even own a snow shovel (or know what one looks like). Yesterday my church and many others canceled services. But I attended my Sunday School class and church services virtually thanks to technology; technology that didn’t exist before.

Could it be that the God of the universe who is omniscient and omnipotent put each one of us here right now for a specific reason? That His power allowed us to develop a vaccine and communications technology? I think it is so. These challenges have produced immeasurable heartache and strife. But could it be that we were put here on this planet right now for such a time as this?

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