A New Day

10  An excellent wife who can find?
She is far more precious than jewels.
11 The heart of her husband trusts in her,
and he will have no lack of gain.
12 She does him good, and not harm,
all the days of her life.

                                                                                                                   Proverbs 31:10-12 (ESV)



We’re celebrating 8 months of marriage, and we’ve actually spent about 6 months of it together. The other two were a time that we don’t talk much about…..allow me only to say that I don’t remember much of those two months spent in hospitals.

But what an incredible 6 months it has been! First of all, in a bit of news that will amaze many of my friends and family, I’ve become what Debby calls, “a dog person.” She is the ultimate of these. We are the humans that belong to two golden labs, sisters. I’ve learned that their personalities are so very different, and yet so much the same. They have adopted me, but not without some curiosity. They had never seen a man before. For the first several months Debby and I shared a bathroom until our remodeling was completed.  Whenever I showered, they would sit at the door looking on with extreme curiosity. I’ve learned that goldens shed. A lot. All the time. So our furniture and our clothes are covered with dog fur most of the time. We look like John the Baptist in camel’s hair clothing! I’ve spent most of my adult life in a predominately male environment. Now I live with a wife and two female dogs.

Life for Debby has improved remarkably since our remodeling was complete. She has her closet back. And I have my own closet where I can go and close the door to our canines. And I have my own bathroom. It actually looks like a “guy’s bathroom.”

As I’ve shared before, I am the most blessed of men. Our Father has blessed me with an incredible family – children and grandchildren, sister and brothers-in-law, “adopted” God-children – and a group of friends so faithful as to have prayed for and cared for us. Most of all He blessed me to love Godly women.

It’s difficult to imagine what my life would have been like without them. No doubt He has a plan for my life; and that plan must include Debby. Thank you Lord!

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